Hi, I’m Sebastian

I’m a multidisciplinary researcher, writer, and improviser working as an Experiential AI postdoctoral fellow in the Sustainability and Data Sciences Lab at Northeastern. I’m interested in understanding the behavior of complex, interconnected systems, including how to use data to understand and interact with these systems and how to combine tools from multiple disciplines to improve the modeling and analysis of these systems. I’m currently transitioning to climate modeling, with an emphasis on developing models that empower stakeholders to take action against climate change.


My work lies at the intersection of complex networks, machine learning, and dynamical systems/control theory,  Previously my work looked at dynamical systems and network representations of the brain in depression and after traumatic brain injury. During my PhD in Electrical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, I studied networked dynamical systems, primarily analyzing behavior over social networks using mathematical models. 





Sebastian F. Ruf