In this post I wanted to describe a motto that I've started using within the past year, but one which has already given me so much practical mileage. The motto…
One thing that's been bothering me over the past 9-ish months as I went through the productivity literature is the fear based marketing that seems to be so common. In…
This is the first in a series of blog posts where I share sayings or pieces of advice that have proven themselves useful again and again over the years, either…
(Update 10/12/22: An extended version of this essay was published on Medium here) I tend to be a stickler for precise language, especially when being imprecise either hurts people or…
There are a lot of good reasons to write. It's high leverage, it improves your thinking, it can build a business. These are true, but so relentlessly practical that they…
I'm currently taking Tiago Forte's excellent Building a Second Brain course. In one of his slides he showed the following picture to give an overview of both the creative journey,…